About Friends of Park Wood

The Friends of Park Wood is a community group first set up in 2000 to:

“Investigate and evaluate the Park Wood heritage asset, explain its richness and diversity to local people, improve its community value, and reinforce local participation in its long-term care.”

For more than two decades the Friends of Park Wood have worked with the Woodland Trust to improve Park Wood. We have contributed many thousands of volunteer hours undertaking practical conservation work to enhance the wildlife and amenity value of the wood. Our group has helped to open the wood for public access, repairing paths, installing seats and notice boards.

Some people help by keeping an eye on the wood, litter picking and letting us know of any problems as they walk through the wood. Other volunteers have researched its history to help prepare interpretation boards, leaflets, and a book. Over the years, we have held fun events such as Easter Egg Hunts, Woodland Festivals as well as informative guided walks to encourage people to discover and enjoy our wood.

As a group, we have been able to raise grants and generate donations, which have been used to improve the wood for the benefit of wildlife and the local community.


Membership of The Friends of Park Wood is open to anyone interested in keeping this a safe and pleasant place to visit.

  • Do you use the wood to walk your dog?
  • Do you take your children exploring there?
  • Are you one of those who use the paths to Walk for Health?
  • Do you visit the wood for exercise or simply as a chance to enjoy being outside in a local green space?

If so, why not help to maintain this very special place by joining The Friends of Park Wood. Funds from membership help to pay for insurance, hire and purchase of equipment, events and surveys by wildlife specialists.
We invite donations in lieu of subscriptions with a minimum donation of £5.00.

Please see the Contact page to email the Membership Secretary.

Download the membership form here

New members are always welcome. If you can spare a couple of hours a month to help, you can either come along to one of our events or work parties, details of which you can find in the news section or use our contact section to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.
