Park Wood has been the subject of serious acts of vandalism over the last week. All of the notice boards installed by FoPW have been sawn down and stolen. The two interpretation boards have been cut down; one has been removed from the site but the other has been recovered. The Large Woodland Trust board by the London Road entrance has been cut down and removed from the site. The latter and one or two of the notice boards were removed over last Friday night. It is very sad that this has taken place and follows on from the theft of the first aid box and signing-in sheets on the last workday.
The police have been informed and I understand that Councillor Buckley has requested a meeting with them.
Our Chairman, Peter Hodges, has estimated that these boards, made out of oak, have cost about £2000.00 - all of which is now wasted.
FoPW Committee will meet to discuss what to do next and how to replace these so they cannot be cut down and stolen again. Any suggestions about how best to achieve this would be welcome.
If you see anything suspicious would you be kind enough to let me know.
Maureen Nye -Secretary - Friends of Park Wood