Sunday 30/10/11 - Workday - Clear ditches, Check drainage general
Sunday 27/11/11 - Workday - General tidy
Saturday 31/12/11 - Workday/Family event - Mince Pies, mulled wine and some work, maybe!
Sunday 29/01/12 - Workday - Woodland Management Coppicing
Sunday 26/02/12 - Workday - Woodland Management Coppicing
Sunday 25/03/12 - Workday - Pulling sycamore and laurel
Family event - Family Easter Egg Hunt
Wed 25/04/12 - Social/AGM 7.30pm - Venue to be confirmed
Sunday 29/04/12 - Workday - Path work
Sunday 27/05/12 - Workday - Pulling sycamore and laurel
Sunday 24/06/12 - Workday - General tidy
Sunday 29/07/12 - Workday - Path work
Sat/Sun 8/09/12 & 9/09/12 - Workday - Hay cutting weekend in the meadows
Jobs that need doing
1. Clear London Road growth over pavement
2. Clear ditches
3. Remove dead tree in ditch at ditch junction
4. Reinstate trench across path and restore
5. Clear pipe by 5 bar gate
6. Clean paths
7. Clean behind London Road where residents have dumped
8. Clear wall line
9. Cut back growth on wood path
10. Clear laurel by fallen Yews
11. Clear story trail
12. Remove bamboo